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For a text, please see WIKIPEDIA Monrepos (Монрепо) Vyborg (Viipuri, Wyborg) and Jardins anglo-chinois de Russie : Monrepos.

For this family von Nicolay, please see Famille von Nicolay - WIKIPÉDIA .


Fig. 1 until 6: Watercolour paintings and drawings by Octavie Jeanne Catherine, Baronne de Nicolay (daughter of Paul de Nicolay and Alexandrine dite Simplicie, princesse de Broglie-Revel, granddaughter of the poet Ludwig Heinrich von Nicolay and Johanna Margareta Poggenpohl)

Fig. 1 until 4: Monrepos Vyborg






Christiansholm (Klampenborg), near Copenhagen

(perhaps the home of the family of Paul de Nicolay, the father of Octavie de Nicolay,  and the Russian Embassy at that time)


 perhaps the brother, Louis Ernst de Nicolay, of Octavie, Baronne de Nicolay in the monastery La Grande Chartreuse


 perhaps children of the family de Nicolay or Gaudin de Villaine (Ernestine Rumann)


Jacottet 1840: Monrepos Vyborg














Seifert 1875: Monrepos Vyborg



















Renée Elton Maud (great granddaughter of Paul de Nicolay and Alexandrine dite Simplicie de Broglie, granddaughter of Adrien Gabriel Gaudin de Villaine and Alexandrine Henriette Catherine de Nicolay (sister of Octavie Jeanne Catherine de Nicolay), daughter of Adrien Paul "Sylvain" Gaudin de Villaine and Marie-Madeleine le Boucher-Duvigny), One Year at the Russian Court: 1904–1905, (1918), John Lane, London: Monrepos Vyborg








Herrenhaus, Monrepos, postcard, 4. IV 1925


Ludwigstein, Monrepos, Foto: ADAM, VIIPURI, Jälkipainos kielletään, postcard, 19. VIII 1928



Monrepos Ludwigsburg/ Stuttgart,

like Monrepos/ Vyborg named by the owner, König Friedrich I. von Württemberg, the former owner of Monrepos/ Vyborg.